Why does a stone change color?

Why does a stone change color?
Have you ever realized that one of Your crystals had changed color ? IThere are several explanations to that!
First of all, we will give you the traps to know that can make you believe that your stone to change color.
Then we will explain you how and why can a stone really change color.


Has your stone really changed color?

  • Sunlight

Above all, know that our ancestors observed the color of the crystals alone in the sun. Today, we tend to observe the stones under artificial light, which can completely distort the true color of the crystal. Multiple changes of colors can therefore be due to the type of light used during observation.

  • The air

The stones maintained In the open air for a long time can change color. 

  • Catoyance

The ability of a stone to create A slit in its center Looking like the eye of a cat is called Chatoyance. Frequent illusion in precious stones, Chatoyance manifests itself in crystals of all kinds, moon stones with pink quartz.

  • Asterism

Asterism is the property of a stone to create a Effect similar to a star on its surface, due to the light. 

  • Adularescence

Called Schiller or Shiller effect, it is often seen in moonstone. The adularescence is noted as a bluish glow which takes root from the bottom of the stone and then cover it with all its brightness. It looks like heaven in your palm!


You now know that what you see is perhaps not a real color change of your stone, but just a trompe l'oeil.


Can a crystal really change color?

If you have observed your stone in different lights and You see a real color change, then read the rest to understand what could have happened ...

Semi-precious stones are gifts from Lady Nature. They are alive and change color depending on the seasons, heat, cold or even the temperature of your body!

Therefore, When your precious stone changes color, stay calm, it's completely normal. Let the evolution of your crystal be done naturally and above all, ask yourself why your stone changes color. You could learn very interesting things about you, as you will see below ...


4 metaphysical reasons for which your stone has changed color?

Your stones are an amalgam of moving energy. Even if you do not see it, this energy is constantly evolving and mixes with the energy of your own body.

This means that when a stone captures your thoughts and emotions, or when it resonates with one of your health problems, this stone changes its energy structure. His physical perception therefore also changes. It is its color that can change, reflection, or general appearance.

One of the ways of Limit the color change of your stones, it is to take care of them by cleaning and recharging them, as we explain in you in Our article on recharging crystals.

1. was there an important change in your life?

Sometimes, Crystals change color at the same time as an important event, as a move for example. For you, this is just a strange coincidence, but it is not.

If you have not experienced a particular trip, It can also be an emotional event such as an argument, a big anger, A moment of intense sadness, or an important change in your lifestyle.

2. The disease can also be felt by your crystal

When you suffer, the crystal with which you have linked to the same feeling. It is not uncommon to see an amethyst blackening when a very stressed person takes care of it. It’s terribly sad!

Death perhaps another reason, even if it concerns that of a loved one. Crystals change color when you are mourning or stressed. Sudden headache, bloating, food poisoning, difficult periods or mood jumps can be enough for your crystal to capture these energies and change color.

3. Geopathic stress is a cause of color change

Geopathic stress is THE stress that is felt in relation to the position of a stone in the environment or Its proximity to other crystals. Indeed, in addition to your own stress, geopathic stress can also contribute to this color change.

This is why we advise you to store all the healing crystals that you have in a silk pocket or box. Avoid keeping all your crystals together, because some have energies that combine and therefore "repel".

It is always better to have a plastic box that isolates the stones from each other or small pockets for each of your crystals.

The solution can also be to listen to each stone. With your intuition, you can know if a stone "does not like" to be near another stone. You can know if a stone needs to be recharged at some point, if it needs to be moved, etc ...

If you have kept your crystal in the middle of other crystals for a long time, try to ask him and listen to what comes to you as an idea. Then move it according to your feelings.

4. This is a sign!

Have you ever wondered if you were wrong in your life?

Your crystal could try to tell you something important. Sometimes there are much more obvious changes than a color change. For example, A shape inside the crystal Will she not have changed in color? Or will the color have changed in a way to create different patterns ?

It's worth taking a look. Take your stone in sunlight and examine it carefully because the changes are not always on all the stone as a whole. These small change can be like coded messages that tell you that something changes and that you should pay attention.

3 stones that often change color (and meaning)

Crystals are living beings. They record our stories, our achievements, our emotions, our vibration!

All crystals can therefore change color even if some tend to change more easily than others like pink quartz or amethyst for example (as you read below). You will often see your crystal change color when great things change in your life.

These 3 stones tend to change color for a very specific reason:

1. My pink quartz becomes white

Pink quartz

To start, you should know that you should not leave pink quartz in the sun for too long, it can make it lose its pink color.

It is also possible that your pink quartz whitens for a more spiritual reason. Put your scientist blouse because we are going to be a technical hair. All the light refracts, reflected and has returned by the stones. This is how your energy is circulating between stones and you. This is how stones can balance your chakras (your energy centers).

So when a pink quartz adapts to your mood and your lifestyle, it can be white than when you bought it. The best thing to do is record all these color changes in a newspaper to realize your own emotional changes.

Another reason for which your pink quartz can become white is that your heart chakra needs a hell of a boost! If you have a strong need for comfort, that you have a deep injury that makes you sad, and you constantly fail to feel loved, it is likely that your pink quartz is completely unloaded and exhausted by the work he has had to do. This is what made him blanch.

In this case, he needs to be recharged or you should get other pink quartz that can offer you more powerful work than the stone you had selected. A large pink quartz will often have more possibility of adaptation than a small stone, it will whiten slower and will be able to provide you with more help if you have an important imbalance.

2. Why does my amethyst become yellow or black?


In the same way as pink quartz, amethyst can whiten, yellow or become translucent when it is left for too long in direct sunlight. But what happens if your stone has stayed quiet at home?

A "faded" amethyst, which has become dark or with small tasks, may mean anything else. This is a sign that stone has stored a lot of heavy emotions and stress. She feels stress and your very active mind. 

3. Why is my rock crystal becoming black?

Rock crystal

As a rule, remember that when your crystal is overloaded, it can blacken. Sometimes the crystal does not become completely black, it's just black spots.

The rock crystal is a crystal that purifies the energy of its carrier and raises its vibration. SO When your crystal becomes black, it means that there are unwanted energies around you who need to be purified.

Sometimes crystal can also have "obscure nebulosities", like dark clouds, and in this case, once again, there is an overdose of negative energy. Remember to clean your crystal frequently.

Rituals to restore color to your stone

There are many ways to feed your stones to give them a chance to find their color and their original shade. Read our article on How to clean and recharge a stone To discover them.

Sometimes cleaning in the incense is not important enough and your crystal needs a "reset". Here is a method that works well for Restore its color to a stone :

Take a picture of your crystal to have a photo "before". Take a few minutes to ask him if he agrees for you to bury him for a few months. Listen to your feelings to know his answer.

If you do not feel resistance to doing it, it is that it is happy! Burry your crystal (locked in a fabric to protect it from humidity) in a flowerpot or in the ground in your garden or in nature (be careful to remember the place!)

In this specific case, we recommend that you pass 3 full moons or about 3 months before recovering your crystal. The burial of your crystal is a powerful method to allow your stone to recharge completely and regain its connection to the mother earth.

When you dig up your stone, you can compare its color with your "before" photo and you may well be surprised at the result!


Do not forget to share this article and leave us a comment below if you have An experience to share, we would be happy to read it!

  • Bonjour, j’ai reçu des pierres avec une personne et maintenant après plusieurs années je n’ai plus du tout envi de garder ces pierres. Comment faire pour s’en débarrasser ? Est ce possible déjà?

    Lille J on
  • Mais oui béatiz c’est normal

    Angelo de Morais on
  • C’est normal que ma pierre devienne SOMBRE.

    Beatriz de Morais on

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