Treat the evils by lithotherapy

Treat the evils by lithotherapy
Any pain or illness comes from an emotional shock that you have to know how to identify in order to treat evil as a whole. 
Healing only on the surface would only push the problem. Each place of the body where the pain is expressed to a message to convey.
Here are the evils, their emotional origin and what crystals can appease them:  

*** HEADACHE ***

The headaches come from our inability to make choices. To treat pain we will use amethyst, while hematite will help us make decisions.
THEREMethod 💜 : It is the stone of spirituality. It is recommended for mourning and for freeing itself from all forms of dependence (drugs, alcohol, tobacco, etc.) Amethyst helps concentration, it is particularly effective for meditation and protects the places of negative energies that it transforms into love. It corresponds to the seventh chakra, that of the head.
Amethyst bracelet

Hematite 🖤: It is a stone that helps anchor, self -realization, it offers confidence and solidity. It is well suited to timid people and helps express her real needs.

hematite bracelet

  *** STOMACH ACHE ***

This may seem logical, the stomach is directly linked to our physical and emotional digestive system. You can suffer from stomach aches when there is an emotion or a fact that you do not digest. 


 THERE Citrine  💛 : Advised to regulate the digestion process and has virtues capable of protecting yourself against stomach bitters, acidic references and gastric reflux (RGO).

Citrine bracelet

*** Back pain ***

Back pain can show you that you lack support and you feel abandoned by those around you. 

 THEREVenturine 💚 : Porter adventurine regularly heals her back and heart. The bearers of Aventurine through history claim that crystal increases their endurance and provides virility on the back. If you start a new fitness routine to build your back, the Aventurine is your best gym companion.
When back pain is neglected, not only is worsening, but it communicates pain to other parts of your body. 


*** Arm pain ***

Elbow pains are linked to change resistance. Strong arms mean that you lack flexibility towards others and especially towards yourself. More generally, having the arm pain indicates that you wear something like a burden. 

 THEREVenturine 💚: It is a very sweet stone that helps us relate to our inner being. It brings tranquility and allows us to experience greater compassion towards those around us and ourselves. Aventurine makes us more generous and helps us keep our head cool.

Aventurine bracelet

*** Knee pain ***

Having a knee shows a relational difficulty (I) is the articulation of humility that indicates that you find it difficult to accept a situation in your family or friendly relationships. 

 The oTiger eil 🤎 : A true fortifier for bones and joints, the tiger eye is also effective in calming the nerves. The best thing to do is to arrange it here and there in your interior, so that its power can spread throughout the house. It is the stone of the feeling of security and instinct.

Tiger eye bracelet

*** The evils Unexplained ***

If you suffer from unexplained pain in the whole body or on specific parts, that means that it transmits a message to you that it is better to listen to ...



 We invite you to also consult our "Disease index" article file to help you choose the best stone that will relieve you =>

1 symptom 1 stone


🔺 Important warning 🔺
This information on the possibilities of stones is given for information.
They do not in any way constitute a diagnosis or medical treatment.
In the event of a health problem, always consult your doctor.

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