The properties and benefits of the adventurine stone

The properties and benefits of the adventurine stone

The Aventurine Stone is a stone particularly appreciated in lithotherapy ...

Aventurine bracelets

It is particularly used for its beneficial effects on body and mind, She brings rapid effects, but soft also.

It is particularly recommended to all those who wish find joy, confidence in life, or even work on wounds of the heart.

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On the physical level, the adventurine allows

  • The main quality of the Aventurine isattract money, it also serves as a shield bad luck.
  • Stimulates growth in children. 
  • Mitigates skin problems : juvenile acne, psoriasis, zona, eczema ... 
  • Relieves them back problems
  • Ideal for the Heartbeat irregular, Genito-Urinary problemsvision especially presbyopia and astigmatism. 
  • Calm there anger, strengthens self-control, attenuated the stress...

To fully enjoy its benefits it is important to purify Under the natural incense smoke hangs 2 to 3 minutes and then recharge In daylight / sun for 2 to 3 hours.


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