Relieve anxious disorders (tics, tocs ...) with lithotherapy

Relieve anxious disorders (tics, tocs ...) with lithotherapy

THE Tics are sudden movements, suddenly, in "lightning", useless, untimely, illogical, conscious, involuntary, imperious, stereotypicals which are repeated, identical to themselves, without rhythm.

Most often, they occur at the level of the facial muscles: occlusion of eyelids, blinks, contraction of cheeks or lips (suction, chewing, lips storm, licking lips etc.), neck (nods, rotation ...) or shoulders (shoulders, scratch movement, etc.). 

    Their evolution is capricious: they can appear and disappear spontaneously, reappear intermittently, change your place or settle in a more or less permanent way.

    • THE Toc is an anxious disorder: It manifests itself by particular fears which permanently invade thought and become haunting fears. These fears often have aggressive content, for oneself or for others. The person struggles anxiously to neutralize them.

    • Ideal obsessions: The conscience of the person is invaded by an idea or a thought in a permanent way, uncontrollable, which besieges it and exhausts it in an anxious struggle to neutralize it. 


    • Phobic obsessions: These obsessions are close to phobias, but they are different because they appear outside a phobogenic situation.
    It is not the situation that causes anxiety but the thought of it. These are particular: phobias of diseases, cancer, a bacteria, etc. 



    Stones for tics and tocs

    It is advisable to use stones that rebalance the basic chakra such as 


    It is very favorable to fight against the effects of obsessive compulsive disorders.

    Hematite bracelet



    At the emotional/spiritual level, it Help in case of obsessive compulsive disorders (OCD), anger and tendency to violence.

    It is a crystal known for its soothing virtue. This stone helps you stay calm in all situations and keeps you away from all the evils caused by intense nervousness. If you are often faced with stressful situations, amethyst helps you quickly find balance and brings you serenity. 

    Amethyst bracelets


    Stones for phobias


    This tall appeasement stone is known to act directly on the heart.

    THE Pink quartz is the stone you need if you are often subject to extreme fearss. This crystal with many relaxing virtues. This stone will help you go forward in eliminating your fears and phobias.

    Rose quartz bracelet


    It will be particularly useful to you if you are often Subject to stress, fears, phobias. There Moon stone helps you see things with your good eye and calm spirit.

    Rock soft and sensitive who opens the mind and blurs fear.

    Moonstone bracelets


    L'Adventurine is the stone you need if you find it difficult to overcome a situation experienced in the past. This stone acts both on the mental And emotional For calm fear.

    Aventurine bracelets


    L'Eye of tiger help them hyper anxious and the phobic. It is an equally effective stone to fight your fears.

    Tiger eye bracelet




    You have more questions ? Do not hesitate to write to us here. We will be delighted to answer you. 


    Do not forget to share this article and leave us a comment below if you have experience to share, we would be happy to read it!
    🔺 Important warning 🔺
    This information on the possibilities of stones is given for information.
    They do not in any way constitute a diagnosis or medical treatment.
    In the event of a health problem, always consult your doctor.

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