All about the Bola of pregnancy

All about the Bola of pregnancy

Here are some answers to the most frequent questions about the use and interest of a pregnancy bola


>> A unique jewel with a story

The pregnancy bola, also called "Bulan Bola" is Originally from Indonesia. It is worn by pregnant women on a long chain or long cord. 

He can also come from Mexico, of China, of Thailand, d 'India ...And starts more and more to arrive in Europe.

Depending on the country, customs are different:

  • The Mexican bola, also called "tinnies of angels" would call his guardian angel.
  • In Indonesia, the Bola brings luck to the future child and protects the mother.
  • In India, Bola protects the child from negative vibrations ...

 Pregnancy bolas

>> From what moment I pregnant can I start wearing a pregnancy bola?

In Mexico, the Pregnancy bola was offered to future mothers from the start of pregnancy like A protective amulet. Nicknamed "Llamador de Angeles" (in French "Appeal of Angels"), the legend says that his sweet crystalline tinking, called the protection of the guardian angel of the baby and his mother. So you can wear your pregnancy bola Like a lucky grin grim from the first moments of pregnancy.


>> Does the baby really hear in his mom's belly?

From your 19th week of pregnancy, your baby is capable ofhear noise from the outside world and it can identify them.

Several noises are already familiar to him, such as:

  • The voice of the dad and the mother.
  • The music most often listened to by the mother.
  • All the daily noises of the house.
And above all the sweet melody brought by the sound of the mom's pregnancy bola.

    At birth, he will be sensitive to the noises he will have heard in his mother's belly, that's why the pregnancy bola reassures and soothes him.

    It is on this principle that the bola has been put in place, the slight sound it emits will be associated for him with the well -being that you have in your belly and will bring it comfort and safety during its first months of life.

     In particular, when we red listening to infants the heartbeat they heard in the belly of their mother, we observe a modification of their behavior: soothing, sucking, falling asleep, etc.

     Golden pregnancy bola


    >> What to do with pregnancy bola after my baby's birth?

    After childbirth, the familiar melody of your Pregnancy bola will be A source of appeasement for your baby.

    You can hang on the stroller or the cradle To get it to shoot when your newborn baby shows signs of nervousness.

    You can also sewn Who will become a reassuring little companion for your baby by reminding him of the comfort and safety felt during his uterine life.


    >> Has hearing the sound of the pregnancy bola all day is not embarrassing?

    The melody that the pregnancy bola releases is very soft and harmonious. Unlike certain received ideas, the function of Pregnancy bola It is not to ride permanently above the navel to make his tingling heard the baby all day long. On a daily basis, when you are at work or outside, The sound of the pendant is very delicate.


    >> How to make my baby listen to bola during pregnancy?

    From 5th months of pregnancy, once a day, Take a few minutes to listen to the sweet melody of your pregnancy bola to your baby.

    Choose a moment of calm and relaxation, for example during our guided meditation or after having massaged your belly with your moisturizer. Put one hand on your belly, and in the other hand roll your Pregnancy bola, to tenderly rock your baby to the rhythm of his musical vibrations. By repeating this ritual daily, you create a sound imprint of love and well-being: your baby will forever associate the sound of this jewel with your reassuring presence.

     Silver rhinestone pregnancy bola

    >> Does the sound of the pregnancy bola really appease the newborn?

    By making your baby listen to your sweet melody every day during the last trimester of your pregnancy, your pregnancy bola will become A source of appeasement for your newborn. This ancestral tradition, used for millennia in Mexico, is not a miracle solution to calm your baby's crying, but one more tool to help you reassure your toddler in addition to other methods: rocking, song , baby carrier etc.


    You have more questions ? Do not hesitate to write to us here. We will be delighted to answer you. 


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